Thursday, June 5, 2008

Books of the day for Thursday

2 books of the day (lunch was messy, so I started with an e-book):

The Darkest Fire (pre-quel to Lords of the Underworld)
by Gena Showalter

A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
Lender: Oakton Community College (yippee!!)


Anonymous said...

How is the Darkest Fire?

Gretchen Schneider said...

Way different because of who it's about, but getting good. I'm in either chapter 3 or 4.

Anonymous said...

oh? I'm a little confused...but that's ok.

Gretchen Schneider said...

Oh, it's about the goddess who's bones form Pandora's box and the guardian of hell.

I'm on about chapter 16. It's good, but not as good as the rest of the series. I'll explain more off-line.

Anonymous said...

Ah, ok. I'm still reading the second Cassandra Palmer book by Karen Chance. It seems her books take me forever to read. It's good, but frustrating.

Gretchen Schneider said...

Understand. I just got hooked by a new book, so I will be reading it obsessively tonight. "World War Z: an Oral History of the Zombie War" is fantastic so far!