by Tony Barlow
This is an truly creative and addictive read. The book is a paranormal fiction about werewolves that is written in blank verse. That's right, the entire story is written in poetic form. The plot is interesting and the writing is amazing. Definitely unique. By the time I finished chapter 2 in the bookstore, I knew I had to buy it.
Click here to read the first few chapters.
by Elizabeth Berg
I'm eating up these short stories in small greedy bites. Each story is unique and fantastic so far. The stories range from breaking out of Weight Watchers and going on an eating binge, to speaking frankly with a group of girls about men, to finding meaning in life in your mature years. Each story I've read so far has made me laugh, think, and/or tear up. I'm looking forward to discussing this one with both my mom and my book club.
Click here to read an excerpt.
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